Thursday 15 October 2015

Her Stillbirth Story is Making

Moms Everywhere Beg for the

Crying 3AM Wake-up Call. 

Her pain has inspired moms around the world to cherish moments they never would’ve expected…

Natalie Morgan went to sleep one evening to the
rhythmic kick of her unborn baby inside of her.

But the next morning, she jolted up to the
realization that something was dead wrong.

Her daughter, Eleanor Josephine, was showing no
signs of life within her womb. With no heartbeat on 
the home doppler, her heart sank to the depths of 
her stomach."
I knew it. I just knew. I didn't want to know.....I wanted to be mistaken, but I knew".

She prayed relentlessly with her husband Brian the 
whole way to the hospital, but once they arrived, 
their worst nightmare was realized—Eleanor was 
dead. #NO#!!!. 

After Natalie delivered her stillborn daughter, she
took to her keyboard to lay out the most painful,
yet purposeful, story she would ever write. The raw 
emotion weaved through every word in her Facebook 
post has tugged at the heartstrings of mothers 

But it’s not the emphasis on the stillborn birth that 
has spawned the viral post. It’s the message of 
encouragement to mothers to cherish every single 
moment with their newborns that she never got to 

And she’s not talking about just the fun ones—but
the screaming tantrums and the sleepless nights.
She charges moms to relish in the fussy colic, the
dirty diapers, and the drool dripping down your

“There will be times your child will scream and cry 
any time you try to put him or her down. Or they’ll 
cry even as they’re in your arms and you’ve done 
everything you can possibly think of to get them to 
stop. There will be sleepless nights, multiple diaper
changes in a matter of minutes, spit up in your 
hair, pee on your shirt, and poop in your hands, 
and again — so much screaming from the baby, 
and probably from you as well. Every time that 
happens, every time you feel frustrated and want 
to run away, please remember my story,” she wrote. 

Natalie continued by delving into the events of that haunting night at the hospital:

“I keep having flashbacks to that moment. It’s a crippling, all-consuming feeling of utter
suffocation, and a memory that will haunt me for the rest of my life. In that moment, I felt trapped as if the ceiling was literally crashing down on top of me. I couldn’t breathe, I lashed out, I screamed, I threw things, I threw up…and then a piece of me died with her. I was helpless to change anything. My body was supposed to keep her safe, and instead it killed her.”

She didn’t even want the pain numbed, as she knew it would be the last memory she would share with her daughter. And she needed to feel it. Every ounce:

“They offered me an epidural, but I couldn’t do it. I needed to own it. I needed the pain, the agony, and misery to mirror what I felt in my heart. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Ever. Dealing with the unbearable contractions, the ring of fire,
the tearing…knowing that all of it was for nothing. I was delivering a lifeless child. There would be no happiness at the end of it to help me forget the pain. The pain, unlike my baby girl, would live on forever.”

After the agonizing hours of labor, Natalie got to
hold Eleanor for the first time. But six hours later,
she could hardly bear to watch her beautiful baby
girl deteriorate in her arms.

She was forced to say her final goodbyes #thishurts#. 

“As I stood over her and spent those last few
minutes with her, blood was cascading down my legs and onto the floor. I didn’t care – my womb was crying. Everything about me was crying. Watching them wheel her away broke me. My life ended then and there. They wheeled me out of the hospital and
I screamed the entire way.”

But fully immersed in the most potent form of
misery she’d ever experienced, Natalie was able to
bring forth the most powerful perspective on the
beauty of child-rearing. Her raw advice has given
mothers across the globe a reason to be thankful
rather than bitter about those middle-of-the-
night tantrums.

She pleads “But please just remember, while you’re awake at 3am because you have a baby in your arms keeping you up that late, I’m up at 3am because I don’t. And I would give anything in this world to have a baby spitting up on me, being colicky for all hours of the day and night, screaming, not letting me put her down, cracking my nipples from breastfeeding, keeping me up all night.” “…All I ask of you is when you have your dark
moments with your baby – when you’re at your wits’ end and feel like you can’t go on anymore when you’re only getting an hour or two of sleep a night – instead of begging your child to go to sleep and being swallowed up in your frustration and exhaustion, find the tiniest bit of strength within you to keep going, and say a prayer of gratitude for your child, as difficult as it may be in that moment". 

Natalie says that what started as a small written
expression of her struggle has exploded into a tidal wave of support from all around the world. Moms fed up with their crying babies have contacted her to thank her for shifting their perspective, and parents of stillborns have reached out with a shoulder to cry on.

"I'm the first woman to have a stillborn, so my story is not unique - but they're so rarely talked about and I had no iddea how utterly traumatic and devastating of an experience it is," she said “And, because stillbirths are so rarely talked about, I think there exists this vague notion — even if it’s only subconscious — that those
babies never existed or never really mattered.”

Well, Natalie’s story has certainly proved that
notion wrong.

Saturday 26 September 2015

30 Things to do when you are bored; 

1- list 20 things you like about someone. Now give it to the person to make their day. 

2- Find 10 gnomes in 10mins. 

3- Give some old clothes a new life. Tie-dye a T-shirt or repurpose some jeans. 

4- Compile list of random things about yourself. Share them with us in the comments here. 

5- Memorize your favourite poem. 

6- Go for a day without talking to anyone. Challenge family friends or family members to join you. 

7- Insert encouraging messages into helium-filled balloons and release them. Be sure to include your email address so people can contact you if they find one. 

8- Laugh 400 times today. Keep counting. 

9- Paint a picture. 

10- Learn Calligraphy. 

11- Try a new food. 

12- Sew a pillow. 

13- Spend an entire day praying and talking to God. 

14- Eat. 

15- Dare a friend. 

16- Watch a movie. 

17- Call a funny friend. 

18-  Listen to music

19- Meditate. 

20- Exercise. 

21- Host a movie marathon — but choose the DVDs with your eyes closed. Don't forget popcorn. 

22- Cut up magazines and glue a collage onto it. Then separate the pieces (you may need to cut them apart) and see if you can put your puzzle back together again. 

23- Paint a room in your house or paint a part of your room. You can section it a paint with different colors. 

24-Write a letter to someone using only letters cut from newspapers and magazines. 

25-Brighten someone's day! Leave inspirational notes between the pages of library books. Or download spoke
cards to secretly attach to people's bikes.

26-Launch your own website or blog. Fill your site with movie reviews or blogging advice, or something else you're an expert at. Or help out someone else who
would like to start one but can't quite figure out how.

27-Plant flowers. If you don't have anywhere to plant them outdoors, plant them in a pot indoors instead. Or plant vegetables.

28-Put your fork aside and eat with your fingers. Choose challenging foods like spaghetti and ice cream. 

29- Head to your local dollar store and pick up supplies to make some of these awesome crafts.

30- Learn how to tie a necktie. 

Letter to my dear  girlfriends. 

Greetings to you the most adorable paragon of
God’s creature. A rare jewel and the mother of life.
I write this letter to you to understand some
important things that are of great importance to
your life and future in which negligence to these
would cause you more harm than good.
Please spare me some little time to read through. I 
promise not to bore you through this piece. It won’t 
be lengthy, I promise!
My first concern is about your dressing. I know it’s 
not all of you that have issue with this. You don’t 
need to expose your cleavage or reveal the details of 
your body by wearing those tight fitted clothes. Your
dressing will determine how you’re addressed and 
who will approach you.
Some men are ‘weaker vessels’, when they see your 
revealing clothes; they commit fornication and lust 
in their heart. Endeavor not to be a reason for such 
men to commit sin.
You’re beautifully made. You don’t have to wear
that heavy make-up before you look good. Real men 
don’t place much emphasis on looks but we are much 
concerned about what you can offer us as a wife, a 
mother, a friend and a suitable help meet. 
Take time to build your ‘content’ (character, 
strength, passion) rather than place so much 
emphasis on your looks. Real men marry ladies that 
have great contents but playboys and gold diggers
are so crazy about your looks. Being moderate looks 
great with!
No man can love you better if you fail to love
yourself so well. This is not pride but self-esteem.
Raise your standards so that you can sieve out
‘ordinary’ men. It takes a strong man with vision
and purpose to approach a strong woman. Become
one! Don’t be managed but be celebrated and
Someone of you don’t understand the word called
love. Most of you are emotional. Easily aroused by 
sweet lies and empty clattering that some guys use.
Love is not only in word, frequent calls, chatting,
text messages or ‘false’ care so as to get you in bed.
It is practical – in sacrifice and commitment.
Love isn’t that butterfly feelings you have. Love is 
all about making wise decision on who you’d commit 
your heart to in love. This will determine your peace 
of mind and happiness, now and in the future. 
Look before you leap!
Don’t let feelings drive you into a relationship
because it is temporal and would change overtime.
It is only when you are ready to make that decision
based on some carefully considered factors that you 
should start a love relationship.
You may not accept this, but it’s the truth. It is not 
a must that you should be in a relationship when 
you are not ready for marriage. Yes! Any
relationship that doesn’t add value to you will take 
away something valuable from you. Many of you, 
due to loneliness, intimidation or desperation
entered into a relationship, only to bite your finger 
in the long run. This would make you to say all men 
are wicked. Not so my dear. Some of us would treat 
you the way we’d treat our mothers and sisters.
As a single lady, God has completely made you, if
you know this truth. No man, I repeat, no man can 
make you complete. You have a brain and a
functioning mind. Your completeness lies in getting 
a life and building it. Get a career – pursue it! Or
learn a trade – gain expertise! Be financially
independent before marriage.
It’s somehow sad that most of you fall victim of
premarital sex because you attach sex to love. A man 
can have sex with you without loving you, tomorrow,
he’s gone with other ladies. He’d even deny ever
knowing you. Treasure your dignity. A real man will 
not culture you for sex but would bring out the best 
in you.
Rather than become a mother by circumstance, take 
your time to become a mother by choice. You will 
bear the consequences alone if you allow a man to 
have sex with you without paying any bridal price.
Nursing the baby alone, delay in your plans and
progress in life and the pain of motherhood which 
you didn’t prepare for are the things you won’t 
want to bear.
I still have more to say, but I’ll will sum up this
letter by quoting a Nigerian Proverb; “Many words 
won’t fill the gourd, only adhere to that which has 
been said”. I hope you’d consider all these points
I’ve listed. Do so and be wise!.... Thanks for reading through. 

Saturday 29 August 2015

15 Things you probably didn't know about your period......... 

Every month women prepare for the often dreaded
and unwelcome visit from Aunt Flo. This menstrual
blood that flows from the uterus through the cervix
and vagina is a clear sign that the body is working
normally, providing hormones to keep women
healthy. As the body adapts to the menstrual period
— two to seven days — what are external and
physical changes it undergoes?. 

1. Periods decrease cognitive ability.
The abdominal pain, backaches, and nausea during
a woman’s period can actually affect how she
thinks and feels, reducing her cognitive ability.
Menstrual cramps can interfere with selective
attention, attention span, and dividing and
switching attention between two task. So,
women’s period pain goes beyond the sensory

2. It’s not just blood you’re losing.
There is a layer of the uterus that is shed every 28
days or so, along with some blood vessels, which is
why some people’s periods can be messy, says Dr.

3. Sugar cravings or carb cravings can be a sign that
you are low on progesterone. Progesterone helps to
regulate blood sugars. Get some blood work done
with your doctor and find out. This can easily be
corrected with supplementation. 

4. Heavy bleeding is a tell-tale sign, t
his could be a sign of high estrogen levels.
Estrogen is what is used for the uterus to contract.
Have your hormone levels checked by your
doctor. There are some natural ways to bring
estrogen levels down or make them more efficient. 

5. Ibuprofen is your best friend. 
Normally ibuprofen can inhibit platelets, so doctors
advise against taking it after surgeries where
bleeding is a problem. In periods, though, the spiral
blood vessels of the uterus actually constrict with
ibuprofen. Even if you don’t have cramping issues,
10mg/kg of ibuprofen can decrease your blood flow,
says Amy Baxter MD , CEO of MMJ Labs.

6. The absence of periods is called amenorrhea. This
can be due to anatomy irregularities or
physiological reasons, like stress or hormones, says, 

 If you 

don’t get your period for more than three months at
a time, you should have this checked out by a

7. Weight matters.
Some women do not know that when their body fat
drops below 8-12 percent, their period will stop. 
This is because fat cells contribute to one-third
of the estrogen levels in a woman, and without this
estrogen, the body stops menstruating. Low-calorie
diets and inadequate nutrition are big contributors
to this as well.

8. Periods can change the sound of voice. The hormonal changes related to a woman’s 

menstrual cycle also alter the sound of her voice. 
The cells from the larynx and vagina are believed to
be similar and show similar hormone receptors. A
2011 study published in the journal Ethology found
men can detect from a woman’s voice whether she
is menstruating. Three groups of men were asked to
listen to voice recordings of women who counted
from one to five during four different points of
their menstrual cycle. They identified the menstrual
voice 35 percent of the time.

9. Women can get pregnant on their period. Women who feel frisky and have sex on their 

period should keep in mind they can still get 
pregnant. Women who have typical 28- to 30-day or
longer cycles are less likely to get pregnant, since
ovulation is several days away, decreasing chances
of conceiving during this time. However, women
who have a shorter cycle (21 to 24 days) have a
higher likelihood of getting pregnant while having
sex on their period.

10. The average period releases less
than a cup of blood.
Women may experience a heavy flow and find
themselves going through boxes of pads and
tampons, but the blood loss isn’t so severe.
Typically, the first two days of the period are the
heaviest, in terms of blood discharge. The average
amount of blood lost each month ranges from a few
tablespoons to a cup.
Bleeding that leads to changing a soaked
pad or tampon more than every two hours is
considered outside the normal range and calls for
medical attention.

11. Women can experience vicarious
Normally, women bleed from their uterus during
their periods, but those with vicarious menstruation
can bleed from their eyes, ears, and mouth. A case
report published in The Journal of the American
Medical Association found a young woman who was
suffering from an ulcer on each leg experienced
excessive pain and bled profusely. The edges were
irregular and not inflamed nor raised. Despite
various forms of treatment, the ulcers remained
large during five or six days of menstruation, and
then closed three days later with a smooth,
apparently thin skin.

12. A missing period isn’t always a sign of pregnancy…
but it usually is.
The most common cause of a missing period (if you're
of childbearing age) is pregnancy. But
that's obviously not the only reason it can be MIA. It
could be stress, weight changes, extreme diet or
exercise changes, or a whole host of health conditions
(we'll get to those in a bit). If you're worried about
it, check with your doctor.

13. Any medical condition can mess with your periods.
Anything from heart disease and cancer to anorexia
and thyroid conditions can affect your cycle, says
Streicher. Gynecological conditions like ovarian cysts,
endometriosis, PCOS, and uterine fibroids can also
impact the length and severity of your periods. This
definitely does NOT mean that any weird period issue
is a sign that you have a more serious condition, but
just know that if you have any of these conditions, it
might affect your flow. And again, if you're
diagnosed with any of these conditions, make sure to
talk to your doctor about what that might mean for
your future fertility (even if you have no plans of
getting pregnant just yet).

14. Your period can start changing as early as your late 30sThe average age to go through menopause is 51, but
it's not uncommon to notice some perimenopausal
changes in your late 30s or early 40s.

15. Occassional irregularities are not a big deal, but if your periods is always unpredictabl, It might be a problem for your future fertility. Having wonky periods every now and then isn't usually
a cause for concern. But if you're always irregular,
you should talk to your doctor about it. It might be
the result of a medical issue like a thyroid condition
or PCOS, or it could just be from stress, says Minkin.
The typical treatment is going on hormonal birth
control to keep your periods regular.
Consistently irregular periods may be a sign that
you're not ovulating, so if you think you might ever
want to get pregnant in the future, talk to your
doctor about what your irregularities might mean for
your future fertility — and if there's anything you
should know or do to preserve it. 

Friday 28 August 2015

20 Random facts about me

This is a trend spreading fast across the internet. I had to do this because a dear friend of mine tagged me in hers ☺...... hmmm.... random facts about me..... lemme start

1. I'm a conformer. I have lots of friends nd keep it that way

2.I'm a very shy person............. If u meet me, pls don't think I'm a snob. 

3. I'm a talkative.... but I also listen a lot. 

4. I love travelling..... wanting to see the wonders of the world. See the Grand Canyon, Great Walls of China, Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower. 

5. My sister is my best friend. 

6. I'm very creative. 

7. I enjoy eating bread with groundnut. 

8. I'm very stubborn but funny😉.............. nd determined. 

9. You fall for me fast when you get to know me. 

10. I am most of my siblings favourite sister. 

11. I love  darkness ❤. 

12. I love nature.......She energizes me, I dream of having a cottage someday with alot of greenery. 

13.  I love to stay under the rain. 

14. I can easily switch personalities. 

15. I learnt so much from watching "3 idiots". 

16. I love black color. 

17. My friends think I'm a nutcase. 

18. I could read a newspaper by the age of five.

19. I'm a jewellery freak.

20. I talk to myself......

I could really go on but it's 20 isn't it?!..... ☺

I tag

Nd to u reading this please tell me random facts about you..... Pllllesaase😊

Things you should not be judged for. 

Lately, we are constantly made to feel the need to apologize for every and anythin, even for being true to ourselves. There are things that you definitely don't have to be judge for........ EVER

1. You really shouldn't be judged for putting yourself first after all, this world is a survival of the fittest. Self interest should really come first before second of third-party interest, cause really, you should not displease yourself at the instance of others, you owe it to yourself to love, respect, and and give yourself the very best before learning to do unto other!

2. You shouldn't be judged for being emotional, fearful and weak, yes I'm a feminist. But I think what makes feminism so encompassing, is actually acknowledging and appreciating the fact that as long as there are really strong and fearless women out there, there really and the weak and fearful ones too. So wherever you belong as a woman, you should never apologize for being that way, because really, that's what makes you you.

3. You should never be judged about your past, if a person genuinely likes then your past should not be an hinderance, because it really is in the past. And you should never be held ransom for the things you did in the past and even if you are, own up to it but never apologize

4.  Never feel judge for the way you look, are you plum, thin, short plus-size or what have you, just as you have no hands in picking who your parents are, the way you look is equally out of your control. You own no one, I mean no one, not even yourself an explanation or excuse for how you look.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Acts of kindness that will make someone's day.

-Pay a stranger a compliment 

- Tip somewhere you'd never normally tip

-Leave a lovely comment instead of just mindlessly liking a post on Instagram or Facebook 

-Offer to take a photo for people taking selfie

-Give a homeless person one of your buy-one-get-one-free purchase

-Offer to help someone with their bags

-Help an old person cross the road

-Donate clothes you no longer wear to people that might enjoy them more

-Leave nice notes around for strangers to find telling them to have a lovely day

-Smile back at a stranger in a street rather than wondering why they are unhinged

-Post happy quotes in random places

-Bake something for your colleagues for no reason besides YOU'RE NICE

-Tell a well-behaved kid what a well-behaved kid they are

-Reach out to a friend you've lost touch with

-Donate to a charity that's affected you

-Email or text an old teacher or lecturer and thank them for everything they did

-Give your umbrella to a person that looks like they need it more than you in a rainfall

-Let someone go in front of you in a queue 

-Say "thank you" like you really mean it.... REALLY 

-Leave positive comments on internet instead of negative ones

-Tell a friend they look amazing today instead of just thinking it

-Be the one to stand up for a person everyone is bitching about

-Make it your mission to return lost property to someone 

-Be genuinely happy for someone else

-Give blood

Encourage someone honestly 

- Give hugs