Saturday 26 September 2015

Letter to my dear  girlfriends. 

Greetings to you the most adorable paragon of
God’s creature. A rare jewel and the mother of life.
I write this letter to you to understand some
important things that are of great importance to
your life and future in which negligence to these
would cause you more harm than good.
Please spare me some little time to read through. I 
promise not to bore you through this piece. It won’t 
be lengthy, I promise!
My first concern is about your dressing. I know it’s 
not all of you that have issue with this. You don’t 
need to expose your cleavage or reveal the details of 
your body by wearing those tight fitted clothes. Your
dressing will determine how you’re addressed and 
who will approach you.
Some men are ‘weaker vessels’, when they see your 
revealing clothes; they commit fornication and lust 
in their heart. Endeavor not to be a reason for such 
men to commit sin.
You’re beautifully made. You don’t have to wear
that heavy make-up before you look good. Real men 
don’t place much emphasis on looks but we are much 
concerned about what you can offer us as a wife, a 
mother, a friend and a suitable help meet. 
Take time to build your ‘content’ (character, 
strength, passion) rather than place so much 
emphasis on your looks. Real men marry ladies that 
have great contents but playboys and gold diggers
are so crazy about your looks. Being moderate looks 
great with!
No man can love you better if you fail to love
yourself so well. This is not pride but self-esteem.
Raise your standards so that you can sieve out
‘ordinary’ men. It takes a strong man with vision
and purpose to approach a strong woman. Become
one! Don’t be managed but be celebrated and
Someone of you don’t understand the word called
love. Most of you are emotional. Easily aroused by 
sweet lies and empty clattering that some guys use.
Love is not only in word, frequent calls, chatting,
text messages or ‘false’ care so as to get you in bed.
It is practical – in sacrifice and commitment.
Love isn’t that butterfly feelings you have. Love is 
all about making wise decision on who you’d commit 
your heart to in love. This will determine your peace 
of mind and happiness, now and in the future. 
Look before you leap!
Don’t let feelings drive you into a relationship
because it is temporal and would change overtime.
It is only when you are ready to make that decision
based on some carefully considered factors that you 
should start a love relationship.
You may not accept this, but it’s the truth. It is not 
a must that you should be in a relationship when 
you are not ready for marriage. Yes! Any
relationship that doesn’t add value to you will take 
away something valuable from you. Many of you, 
due to loneliness, intimidation or desperation
entered into a relationship, only to bite your finger 
in the long run. This would make you to say all men 
are wicked. Not so my dear. Some of us would treat 
you the way we’d treat our mothers and sisters.
As a single lady, God has completely made you, if
you know this truth. No man, I repeat, no man can 
make you complete. You have a brain and a
functioning mind. Your completeness lies in getting 
a life and building it. Get a career – pursue it! Or
learn a trade – gain expertise! Be financially
independent before marriage.
It’s somehow sad that most of you fall victim of
premarital sex because you attach sex to love. A man 
can have sex with you without loving you, tomorrow,
he’s gone with other ladies. He’d even deny ever
knowing you. Treasure your dignity. A real man will 
not culture you for sex but would bring out the best 
in you.
Rather than become a mother by circumstance, take 
your time to become a mother by choice. You will 
bear the consequences alone if you allow a man to 
have sex with you without paying any bridal price.
Nursing the baby alone, delay in your plans and
progress in life and the pain of motherhood which 
you didn’t prepare for are the things you won’t 
want to bear.
I still have more to say, but I’ll will sum up this
letter by quoting a Nigerian Proverb; “Many words 
won’t fill the gourd, only adhere to that which has 
been said”. I hope you’d consider all these points
I’ve listed. Do so and be wise!.... Thanks for reading through. 


  1. Well articulated. Worth the read. I'll remember the wise words

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
